
Check all, canvas art paintings  and Famous Artists of all time.  
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The Murder of St Peter the Martyr 1509
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Drunkennes of Noah c. 1515
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Continence of Scipio (detail 1) 1507-08
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Saint Jerome Reading 1505
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Pietà 1505
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Barbarigo Altarpiece
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Madonna of the Cherries 1517 18
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Venus Blindfolding Cupid c. 1565
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Three Ages of Man 1511 12
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Holy Family and Donor 1513 14
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Gipsy Madonna c. 1510
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Venus with Organist and Cupid 1548
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Sacred and Profane Love 1514
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Danae and the Shower of Gold
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Christ Carrying the Cross c. 1565
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Venus of Urbino 1538
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Adoration of the Magi 1516
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Passing Away Of St John
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Leda with the Swan 1531
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Deposition From The Cross 1525
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Hercules at the Crossroads 2
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Self Portrait with Other Male Figures
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Drawing of a botanical study
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Drawing of an flood
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Design for a Flying Machine
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Designs for a Boat
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Baptism(detail) 1
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Mona Lisa (detail)
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Study sheet (detail) 1478
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Madonna with the Yarnwider (detail1)
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Study 1478-80
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Drapery for a seated figure
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Studies of Leda and a horse
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Mona Lisa (detail) 3
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Storm Over A Landscape
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Studies of a Bear Walking
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Mona Lisa [detail: 3] (or La Gioconda)
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Device For Making Sequins
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]