Albrecht Durer

 Albrecht Durer - The German Renaissance Albrecht Durer (1471 – 1528) was well known as a theorist of the German Renaissance. He was also popular as a German painter and printmaker. When he was only twenty years old, he established a good reputation because of his high-quality woodcut prints across the European region. His preferred technique for the body of work...
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Portrait of Barent van Orley
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Portrait of Dürer's Father at 70
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Man Of Sorrows With Hands Raised
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Self-Portrait at 26 2
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Prodigal Son 2
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Wire Drawing Mill
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Martyrdom of St Catherine
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Paumgartner Altar (left wing)
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Paumgartner Altar (central panel)
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Portrait of Barbara Durer I
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Large Passion, 07. The
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Arm of Eve
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Virgin With The Infant Christ And St Anne
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Self Portrait at 13 I
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Large Passion, 04. Ecce Homo
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Portrait of Jobst Plankfelt
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Knight and the Landsknecht
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Four Witches (or Judgment of Paris)
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Martyrdom of St John the Evangelist
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Imperial Crown
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
St Eustace
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Deformed Landser Sow
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The chandelier female
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Durer's Wife Agnes
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Side and frontal view of the female head
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Circumcision of Christ
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Young Hare
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Beheading of St John the Baptist
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Self-Portrait with Bandage
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Standard Bearer
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
St. Anthony At the City
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Ill-Assorted Couple (or The Offer Of Love)
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
St Sebald in the Niche
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Coat Of Arms With A Cock
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
St. Jerome Penitent In The Wilderness
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
St John In The Clouds
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Holy Family with three Hares 2
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
St Jean Le Livre Devorant
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Twelve year old Jesus in the Temple
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Willibald Pirkheimer
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
St. Sebastian At The Column
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Small Passion, 36. The Last Judgment
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Melencolia I
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Sol Justitiae (or The Judge)
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Austrian Saints
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]